Queen Elizabeth National Park

This park can be accessed most easily from Kampala. from the old bus park and the new bus park many buses leaving in the morning and going to Kasese pass through the park. the ticket is 15,000 USH. but the buses will start only when they are full. the conductor may say that the bus will leave at 0700 but finally it will leave when it is full, the time maybe 1000 also. bus journey is safe and enlightening. alternatively there are various tour operators who are willing to make an exclusive trip to QE NP but they are very expensive. one should get off on Katunguru Gate. there are many taxis there and one can negotiate the cost of dropping at Mweya. it should be around 30,000 USH. there taxi drivers will also take you for a game drive as required.

www.bahr-el-jebel-safaris.com conducts winged safaris by aircraft to Ishasha airstrip with stays at the Ishasha Wilderness Camp.